7 Things That Will Happen On Your FIRST Day Of College, Whether You Like It or Not!
The first day of college is easily the most anticipated day for graduated high school seniors, as well as the least anticipated day throughout the summer. Most college students who have experienced this dreaded day can say that it was not nearly as bad as they had expected. Here are a few things you should expect to happen on the first day of college:
1. Everyone will be extremely friendly
Everyone is in the same situation as you. They are trying to meet as many people, and make good friends from the start. This is why everyone around you will be almost overly friendly on this first day. Everyone means you too!
2. Everyone will be just as nervous, if not more nervous than you
Again, everyone is in the same situation as you. They are going to be just as nervous as you, so to get past these nervous be social. This first day is only one day out of the next 8 semesters of your college career, what's the worst that could happen?
3. You will say goodbye in some sort of embarrassing way
Saying goodbye to your parents/siblings will involve some tears, and they will likely happen out in the open in front of everybody. However, everyone else will be saying goodbye around the same time as you, and there will be tears involved in their goodbyes too.4. You will get a ton of random numbers
On the first day of orientation, everybody will be trying to make their best friends for the next four years. This is why you will get an abundance of numbers this first day. Half of these numbers I did not even use the rest of my first year, but some will be VERY useful, so definitely take advantage of these opportunities and get people's digits!
5. You will wait in a ton of lines
Everybody will be moving in on the same day, around the same time, and on the same campus. There will be a line of cars to get on campus from the start. Get there early to attempt to avoid waiting in more lines than you already have to.
6. People will be drinking
There will be those students that want to start drinking the minute they walk on campus. You will see people with vodka in their water bottles during the orientation activities. Make the right decisions, and do not follow these people. You want to avoid being the drunk kid at orientation. Wait until the weekend.7. You will get to bed late, and have to wake up early the next day!
Do not expect to go to sleep early because you need to get up at 7am to get ready for orientation the next morning. That will not be possible on the very first day.
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